Friday, October 10, 2008

Decorate Your Child's Room with Military Camo Bedding

With all that's been going on in the world, people are more aware than ever about how vital the military is and how important their sacrifices are for protecting our country. One example of this appreciation is the rising popularity of military camo bedroom decorations. Many young boys have looked up to G.I. Joe and his compatriots, but now even girls are getting into the camo theme.

If your children asked to decorate their bedroom with a military camo theme, here are a few ideas for how you can help them turn it into a military retreat.

Starting with: the bed

The bed is the biggest piece of furniture in the bedroom, so whatever theme you're going for should start here. Fortunately, there are a number of different kinds of military camo bedding in different colors, so whether you're decorating for a boy or a girl, you'll be able to find a color they like.

Are they a fan of the classic olive drab? Then you can get the military camo bedding in olive. Would they rather have blue? That's also available. Do you have a little girl who would like camo, but just can't get enough of pink? Then pink camo would be a good option. There are even heart-shaped pink camo pillows to decorate your little girl's bed.

Windows and walls

The bed isn't the only place to make your theme shine true. There are also a number of creative touches for the windows and the walls to set off your military camo bedding.

If you're looking for window treatments, you could go with mosquito netting or canvas curtains, or you could find camo curtains and valances. Another idea is to combine the two, perhaps with a camo valance and then canvas for the curtains.

Creams, tans, and whites would be good paint for the walls. Those colors are not only military-influenced, but they're easy to match, especially if you're going with pink or blue camo as opposed to classic green. If you are doing classic green, you can also look to other military uniforms for paint inspiration.

If you're feeling really artistic, consider painting a military mural on one wall. You could have Army tanks or Jeeps rumbling across the wall, or maybe the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima. The potential here is endless.

For wall decorations, consider making a shadow box for your child, especially if you have had friends and family members in the military. A shadow box could include the American flag, G.I. Joe action figures, postcards and pictures from friends and family members in the military, medals or fatigues from older family members, etc. Not only is it a cool decoration, but it can also preserve the memories of your loved ones who have served our country.

Decorating a child's bedroom in military camouflage is a great way to show support for our military. It's especially good if you have family members serving, and that way your kids can be reminded of their loved ones even when they're overseas. If bedroom decorating is in your future, take a look at a camo theme.

Tony Brobst is the president of The Camo Shop, which features a number of camo bedding and home accessories. They've just announced a new line of military camo bedding, so pay them a visit at to see what they can offer you.

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